The players in the insurance and bank world have not think that the speed’ growth of the Internet would not catch their sectors. Unfortunately, it is done; internet is not fully managed but it did not take long for the first big players to take the train of innovation.
The evolution of digital transformation is no longer negligible, the new technologies are used to improvesome point but not allow you to adapt with what you already have. For the case, insurance players who have not initiated have to adjust with the growing development of the internet. The insurance sector has a relativeand graduate long seniority and have to adapt with recent vision of the digital world.
Purpose of the use of Digital in the insurance sector
As the digital world has been presented in various articles, our approach goes from an in-depth analyze of the objectives pursued. The aim is to promote first-hand contact with prospects via digital tools like smartphone, computer or tablet. That interact with each other is to establish a personalized chat; a direct relationship with the insurance company or the advisor. Also insurers have a perplexed image to the insured. Which approach to develop the brand image of an insurance company ?
Digital to improve the negative image of insurance
Insurance industry, in despite of their many years of experienced are not appreciated by the public and the press. The ignorance of this sector and especially the inversion of the production cycle does not help the consumer to understand the purpose of an insurance contract. What is worse than conveying negative image when you collect the premiums of the insured and he declares no loss? A « good customer » is the one who pays his dues but who declares no sinister said often. The world of journalism is also not very flattering when it is about insurance. Beyond the specialized sites which are windows of information of the market of the insurance, journalist do not hesitate to talk often about scams and market based on the deception of the insured. The reputation of this sector should be improved and the actors concerned know it. In order to surmount this kind of situation, insurers have no choice but to follow the evolutions of the tools and technological supports on which policyholders are most present. With regard to the web, companies try to evolve their online marketing strategies. They must no longer be under pressure from the media or the insured, they must now take the lead on future developments in society. Digitization, through significantly improved interaction, allows the insurer to improve its image with the insured.
Insurers must focus on anticipating and web mastership
- Anticipation
Digitization is an effective way to fight customers’ departure by trying to detect signs of dissatisfaction. A major challenge awaits insurers who decide to turn real way to the digital, it is anticipation. Indeed, anticipate is knowing to prevent any will of departure of the insured person. At the time when the digital considerably accentuates the volatility of the insured, it is necessary that with all the data collected thanks to the presence of the company on the internet. It is possible to refine the knowledge of the customer through specific tools and action plans really adapted to their needs. Therefore, these studies must make it possible to know in the end a customer intends to terminate his contract and to know the reasons. This is easy to say, but what about the implementation of such a process? In order to identify the signs that can detect discontent that could translate a future will to terminate the contract, insurers are not short of ideas. As proof, some actors are developing a tracking system.
Mastery of the web
The second challenge of insurers lies in the mastery of these tools and digital media that intervene brutally in the daily lives of players in the financial world.
The tools can related to:
– The mastery of the pages of the social networks
– CRM tools (Customer Relationship Management)
– Customer relationship management to master the customer’s life cycle
– the mastery of the conversion tunnel to turn a prospect into a customer …
Insurers are therefore faced with the creation of sometimes complex IT development to manage these interfaces but also in the recruitment of specialized profiles in these new tools. It is precisely this type of challenge that specialized companies such as NOGAE GROUP help to meet. Our approach allows us to create and implement exceptional experiences for customers through our technological expertise.